Videos of Raleigh City Council Candidates Now Available!


It is vital for you, as a Raleigh citizen, to learn about and vote for the candidates for mayor and city council because they will make decisions that will affect your life.

On November 5, 2024 (the same day as the presidential election), each Raleigh voter will vote for:

  • a mayor
  • two “at-large” councilors (who represent the entire city)
  • a city councilor who represents the district in which they live

Not sure of your district? Go to: North Carolina’s voter search tool to find your district, as well as a sample ballot.

Below are links to videos of the candidates who answered questions from citizen groups. Keep in mind that everyone on a city council is important because they make decisions that affect all residents.

  • Mayor Candidates for Raleigh, NC
    Presented by: League of Women Voters of Wake County